Wednesday, October 31, 2007
It's Time for the Seven Deadly Sins Countdown!
Argh, Wordpress on my website is down, exceeded, what have you. And so, back to Blogger for a moment! But really, I don't update this site any more, so if you haven't yet, please redirect to my website blog (is that redundant?) going forward. Just not now, when I can't get onto it. Argh, again.
Today is HALLOWEEN 2007 -- and thus launches the Seven Deadly Sins Countdown to the launch of THE ROAD TO HELL!!! Woot!!! So what's this all about, you want to know? I will be giving away books -- not my own, heh -- for the next week!!!
Today's sin is...GLUTTONY. (Hey, Halloween candy rocks!)
Leave a comment about your FAVORITE sinful snack for a chance to win a copy of...
Winner to be picked at random tomorrow morning.
Have at it! And remember: love your inner demon!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Meet the New Blog (Same As The Old Blog)
Well, kids, it's official: I'm going to be merging Insert Witty Title Here with Cat and Muse -- and all posts from this point forward will be on my website's blog:
No worries: Jezebel will still be doing interviews there (and throwing in comments every now and then). And Melpomene still has her job too.
So...come on over. The water's fine.
(FYI, it's going to be a bit before I'm used to all the doohickies and whatnot in WordPress. I tried updating blog links and putting in categories, but that took the links off of my site. Huh. I'm SUCH a Luddite.)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Ooh. Shiny. PINK.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Bound Galleys Are Here!!!
EEEE! It's official: THE ROAD TO HELL is going to press! At least -- I got me my bound galleys/advance reading copies, so WOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!
((happy dance!!!!!!))
Now if only I could figure out how to upload a freaking digital picture...grrr...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Updates -- Interview and Workshop and Novella, Oh My!
Busy, busy, busy!
First: I was interviewed at The Rose & Thorn Literary Ezine! Yay! (And hooboy, it's time for a new author photo, methinks...)
Second: Today I'm doing a workshop over at Romance Divas on Book Signing 101! You need to register for the forum section, but that's free. Come on over -- there's (virtual) chocolate!
Third: I finished the novella from Hell -- the Hellvella? -- called A HELL OF A TIME. I'm letting it sit for about a week before I give it one final read through, and then it's off to my agent for his seal of approval, then on to my editor! It will appear in the April 2008 Kensington anthology called ETERNAL LOVER, along with novellas from Richelle Mead, Lynsay Sands, and Hannah Howell.
Feverishly working on updating the website (gasp, choke) and on the first steps of the upcoming Hit the ROAD campaign! I hope everyone's having a terrific summer.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Why Haven't I Been Blogging?
Holy cats, air! Sweet, sweet air! ((gasp, wheeze))
5. Gearing up for the "Hit the ROAD" campaign for my sexy, funny, dark paranormal novel, THE ROAD TO HELL (November 6, 2007, Kensington/Zebra Books), second in the Hell on Earth series! (Yeah, yeah, I know, if you're reading my blog, you already know about ROAD. I'm practicing my off-the-cuff "So, what's THE ROAD TO HELL?" answer.) What's "Hit the ROAD," you ask? Stay tuned.
4. Writing the rough draft of A HELL OF A TIME, a Hell novella due to appear in the 2008 Kensington anthology (tentatively) called ETERNAL LOVER. In the novella, Jesse and Paul take a road trip to get away from real-life stress (which, for a former succubus, includes stress of the supernatural variety). Except supernatural stress has a way of following Jesse, bwahahahaha. Erm. Anyway. Finished the draft last night. Yay!!!
3. Working on a workshop (heh, that looks funny before I've had any coffee) for Romance Divas, on Booksigning 101, all about how to make the most of your public appearance. The workshop will go live on July 12.
2. Bumming over how I won't be at RWA Nationals this year. I would have had the chance to meet tons of fabulous authors, such as Colleen Gleason, Jaci Burton, and Cathy Clamp, as well as a number of editors. Alas. Next year in San Francisco! (No, really: next year, RWA Nationals will be in SF from July 30 - Aug 2...and Loving Husband and I are talking about taking a family trip out there for the whole week. Huzzah!
And...the No. 1 thing that's been keeping me away from blogging:
1. I've been catching up on my sleep. :)
Thursday, July 05, 2007
B&N Joins the Crowd!
It's official: THE ROAD TO HELL is available via pre-order at Barnes and Noble! Huzzah! Now you have your choice: you can pre-order via B&N, via Amazon, and Booksamillion! can wait until November 6, 2007 and take part in the Hit the ROAD campaign! Yes, there will be a lot more about this in the weeks to come...