Argh, Wordpress on my website is down, exceeded, what have you. And so, back to Blogger for a moment! But really, I don't update this site any more, so if you haven't yet, please redirect to my website blog (is that redundant?) going forward. Just not now, when I can't get onto it. Argh, again.
Today is HALLOWEEN 2007 -- and thus launches the Seven Deadly Sins Countdown to the launch of THE ROAD TO HELL!!! Woot!!! So what's this all about, you want to know? I will be giving away books -- not my own, heh -- for the next week!!!
Today's sin is...GLUTTONY. (Hey, Halloween candy rocks!)
Leave a comment about your FAVORITE sinful snack for a chance to win a copy of...
Winner to be picked at random tomorrow morning.
Have at it! And remember: love your inner demon!